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show TODAY on webpage with Google calendar

I want to show only my TODAYS events in my html output. But with this code it doesnt work for me. If I cancel the line "if ($date = date("Ymd")){" the code shows a specific count of events... But how can I create the output for all event on one day only?

    if ($date = date("Y-m-d")){

foreach ($xml->entry as $entry){

// Viele weitere Informationen kˆnnen aus dem XML geholt werden wie z.B. $entry->description;
// f¸r die Beschreibung und viele Weitere. Einfach mal das XML-File durchstˆbern.

// Schema f¸r den Google Cal XML Ausgabe laden.
    $ns_gd = $entry->children('http://schemas.google.com/g/2005');
    $gCalDate = date($dateformat, strtotime($ns_gd->when->attributes()->startTime)+date("Z",strtotime($ns_gd->when->attributes()->startTime)));
    $gCalDateStart = date($dateformat, strtotime($ns_gd->when->attributes()->startTime)+date("Z",strtotime($ns_gd->when->attributes()->startTime)));
    $gCalDateEnd = date($dateformat, strtotime($ns_gd->when->attributes()->endTime)+date("Z",strtotime($ns_gd->when->attributes()->endTime)));
    $gCalStartTime = gmdate($timeformat, strtotime($ns_gd->when->attributes()->startTime)+date("Z",strtotime($ns_gd->when->attributes()->startTime)));
    $gCalEndTime = gmdate($timeformat,strtotime($ns_gd->when->attributes()->endTime)+date("Z",strtotime($ns_gd->when->attributes()->endTime)));

echo              "Datum: ".$gCalDateStart //Datum
        ."<br/>". "Aufgabe: ".utf8_decode($entry->title) // Titel
        ."<br/>". "Ort: ".$ort // Raum
        ."<br/>". "Beschreibung: ".utf8_decode($entry->content); // Beschreibung

    if($count >=5){ echo "</div> "; break; }else{ echo "<hr>"; }

You're using the wrong operator in

if ($date = date("Y-m-d")){

This sets the date. You want to use ==, which compares the values:

if ($date == date("Y-m-d")){

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