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Relative path to config file in PHP project

I'm new to PHP. I'm developing a new PHP website. My website folder structure is as below,


There I have a config file in resources directory, I need to include config.php in most of other php pages in various directories. So I have to specify the path to config file differently in different pages like,

include_once '../resources/config.php';
include_once '../../resources/config.php';

Is there a way to overcome this & use a common (relative) path to config.php that can be used in eny folder path within the project?

What is the common/best practice to include classes in php projects?

I've done pretty much what you've done in the past, except that my require() s are done differently:

require_once(str_replace('//','/',dirname(__FILE__).'/') .'../../config.php');

I then define other paths that can be used throughout like so:

// DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR is a PHP pre-defined constant
// (\ for Windows, / for Unix)
defined('DS') ? null : define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);

// Define Views URL path
defined('VIEW_URL') ? null : define('VIEW_URL', '/application/views');

// Define CSS URL path
defined('CSS_URL') ? null : define('CSS_URL', '/public/css');

// Define JavaScripts URL path
defined('JS_URL') ? null : define('JS_URL', '/public/js');

// Define site root
defined('SITE_ROOT') ? null : 
  define('SITE_ROOT', str_replace('//','/',dirname(__FILE__)));

// Define App path as 'application' directory
defined('APP_PATH') ? null : define('APP_PATH', SITE_ROOT.DS.'application');

// Define Includes path as 'application/includes' directory
defined('INC_PATH') ? null : define('INC_PATH', APP_PATH.DS.'includes');

// Define Helpers path as 'application/helpers' directory
defined('HELP_PATH') ? null : define('HELP_PATH', APP_PATH.DS.'helpers');

// Define Controllers path as 'includes/classes' directory
defined('CTLR_PATH') ? null : define('CTLR_PATH', APP_PATH.DS.'controllers');

// Define Models path as 'includes/classes' directory
defined('MOD_PATH') ? null : define('MOD_PATH', APP_PATH.DS.'models');

// Define Views path as 'includes/classes' directory
defined('VIEW_PATH') ? null : define('VIEW_PATH', APP_PATH.DS.'views');

Start your script with chdir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); . From there all your include s and any other file functions such as file_exists , fopen and so on will work from the root directory of your website (usually public_html ).

You could route everything to your index.php

then define some constant's. Evrything routed to index.php will have access to these then.

define('SELF', pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_BASENAME));

define('RESOURCES', SELF . 'resources/');

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