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How do I format this hash?

I have a UUID with three unique properties for each UUID. I want to store all these. I know I need a hash inside a hash, but I am having trouble doing this.

It's creating them inside a loop, and for each iteration I need to append/add it to the hash, so I'm not sure how to do that either.

status: complete
name: SaveComment
pct_complete: 100 

status: working
name: SaveComment
pct_complete: 35 

status: complete
name: SaveComment
pct_complete: 100 

This is the code it's going into:

get '/percentcomplete' do
  progress = {}
  Resque::Status.status_ids.each do |uuid|
    active_status = Resque::Status.get(uuid)

    #update hash each loop here with name, status, pct_complete, and uuid

Assuming we can get name, status, pct_complete from active_status object,

get '/percentcomplete' do
  progress = {}
  Resque::Status.status_ids.each do |uuid|
    active_status = Resque::Status.get(uuid)

    #update hash each loop here with name, status, pct_complete, and uuid
    progress[uuid.to_s] = {:name => active_status.name, 
            :status => active_status.status, 
            :ptc_complete => active_status.ptc_complete}

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