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Injecting html via javascript/jquery?

I have some mvc3 code that I'm taking ownership and there are views that both apply html helpers and html javascript injection within views.

Personally, I prefer raw html or helpers as opposed to html injection. What are the pro's and cons of each?

Basic html and helpers :

        <div id="efI" class="ef">
            @Html.PasswordFor(m => m.Password)
            @Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.Password)
           @Html.ActionLink("Click here.", "SomeAction")

Injection: :

    @Html.EditorForModel()  //this generates controls from above...
    <script type="text/javascript">
       $('#efI').append('<div>@Html.ActionLink("Click here.", "SomeAction")</div>');

Not really much difference in the static example you provide. Usually injections are made with dynamically created HTML (for example,table cells managed by AJAX calls to a DB).

It depends. Injection in my opinion is more expensive, it makes some javascript calls in your case. Injection maybe suitable when using templates of html (jquery.tmpl).

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