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How to install DirectX redistributable from Inno-setup?

I didn't find any tip about DirectX installation at Inno-Setup web site. So, is there any sample installation script? I know that I have to add to [Run] sction something like this:

Filename: "{src}\DirectX\DXSETUP.exe"; WorkingDir: "{src}\DirectX"; Parameters: "/silent"; Check: DirectX; Flags: waituntilterminated; BeforeInstall: DirectXProgress;

But how to include it into setup file (temp folder?), how to extract it, ect?

To include it in the setup, you can install it to {tmp} and then [Run] it from there.

The correct way to install this sort of requirement is to extract in code and call Exec() on it in the PrepareToInstall() event function:

function PrepareToInstall(var NeedsRestart: Boolean): String;
  InstallerResult: integer;
  //Check if .Net is available already
  if NeedsDirectX() then begin
    if Exec(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\DXSETUP.exe'), '', '', SW_SHOW, ewWaitUntilTerminated, InstallerResult) then begin
      case InstallerResult of
        0: begin
          //It installed successfully (Or already was), we can continue
        else begin
          //Some other error
          result := 'DirectX installation failed. Exit code ' + IntToStr(InstallerResult);
    end else begin
      result := 'DirectX installation failed. ' + SysErrorMessage(InstallerResult);

The ISXKB has an article on how to detect the versions installed .

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