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Completely remove NERDTree from vim?

Basically, I have NERDTree installed in Vim (Mac OS X 10.7 Lion). I want to completely remove it.

I deleted it's files in ~/.vim/plugins/ and removed all traces of it from my .vimrc , but I'm still getting the following when exploring directories in MacVim:

Error detected while processing function Edit..ChangeDirectory:
line    4:
E492: Not an editor command:   NERDTree   

How can I remove it from my system? I just want to use the stock directory explorer in vim. If need be, I'm willing to completely reinstall vim, I just want NERDTree out.

You can search all files which contains NERDTree , and check them.

$ cd /
$ grep -lr NERDTree .

Those are the files that NERD Tree is made of (Github version from scrooloose):


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