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How do I get the code coverage output to display using expresso?

I'm working on getting Expresso set up and some tests running. I followed along with a tutorial on node tuts and have 4 tests running, and passing. Now I'm trying to get a code coverage output to show up when I run the tests, like the docs show. However, I'm sort of lost.

My super basic learning example tests are in a file called test.js in a folder called test:

var Account = require('../lib/account');


module.exports = {
    "initial balance should be 0" : function(){
        var account = Account.create();

    "crediting account should increase the balance" : function(){
        var account = Account.create();

    "debiting account should decrease the balance" : function(){
        var account = Account.create();

    "transferring from account a to b b should decrease from a and increase b": function(){
        var accountA = Account.create();
        var accountB = Account.create();
        accountA.transfer(accountB, 25);

And the code itself is in lib/account.js:

var Account = function(){
    this.balance = 0;

module.exports.create = function(){
    return new Account();

Account.prototype.credit = function(amt){
    this.balance += amt;

Account.prototype.debit = function(amt){
    this.balance -= amt;

Account.prototype.transfer = function(acct, amt){

Account.prototype.empty = function(acct){

When I run expresso from the command line, I get:

$ expresso

    100% 4 tests

Likewise, if I run expresso with a -c flag or a variety of other options, I get the same output. I'd like to get the code coverage output shown in the docs. I've also run the command $ node-jscoverage lib lib-cov , and the lib-cov folder has things in it now..

What am I missing?

Best result I've found so far was to edit paths on test run:

This is run_tests.sh

#! /bin/bash

rm -Rf ./app-cov
node_modules/expresso/deps/jscoverage/node-jscoverage app/ app-cov
NODE_PATH=$NODE_PATH:/usr/local/lib/node:/usr/local/lib/node_modules:./mmf_node_modules:./app-cov node_modules/expresso/bin/expresso -c

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