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Hosted Git Solution With Server-Side Hooks?

There is already a similar "Hosted Solution for Version Control — with pre-commit hooks?" question on SO. However, the user who asked that question only needed client-side hooks, and I'm looking for a Git host that allows you to configure server-side hooks.

(The reason I'm looking for this is so that we can prevent developers from being able to "push -f" on specific branches. Client-side hooks are of no minimal use for solving this problem.)

So, can anyone recommend a Git host that allows its users to set server-side hooks?

(Bonus points if said host also offers an integrated bug tracker.)

* EDIT *

This question has already been answered, and the bounty awarded ... but if there are any Git hosts out there that make it easier to prevent "push -f" (either by providing that level of permissioning themselves, or by providing access to publish pre-recieve hooks, which would then let me use already-written/standard pre-recieve scripts) I would LOVE to hear about them.

This is a very old post, however, I wanted to make people aware that Assembla now offers Server Side Hooks for Subversion and Git repositories. These are not like Github's where you have to standup a service to run them. They are fully fledged pre and post commit hooks for git, including the update hook.

Check it out on Assembla

the list of hooks available on github is here: https://github.com/ {user}/{repository}/admin/hooks

they have a generic post-receive hook, but not a generic pre-receive

you can code up your own here: https://github.com/github/github-services


Just tell the developers not to do this, and add a client-side hook as a precaution if you're worried about accidents. If you worry about developers breaking policy by shoving up to master anyway, surely you have bigger problems than this. And it's not like a push -f would be destructive in a distributed system such as Git; everyone will still have their local copies of the overwritten commits.

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