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How to wrap in 2 elements with jQuery?

I want to make the following code:



Look like this:

<div class="highlight">


But I have to use: contains for find h2 text and add wrap before h2 and after p .

My failed code:

$.extend($.expr[':'],{containsExact: function(a,i,m){return $.trim(a.innerHTML.toLowerCase()) === m[3].toLowerCase();}});

var byItem = "TEXTz"

var ItemTitle = $("h2:containsExact(" + byItem +")").text();
var ItemDes = $("h2:containsExact(" + byItem +")").next("p").text();

$("h2:containsExact(" + byItem +")").html('<section class="highlightitem"><h2>' + ItemTitle + '</h2><p>' + ItemDes + '</p></div>');


The method .add() allows adding elements to a jquery object.

Then you can use .wrapAll() to wrape a set of elements in jQuery.

var $h2 = $("h2:containsExact(" + byItem +")");
if ($h2.length) {
    $h2.add( $h2.next('p') )
       .wrapAll( $('<div>').addClass('highlight') );

Working example on jsfiddle

Simply use the jQuery functions:

var byItem = "TEXTz"

            function() {
                if ($(this).html() == byItem) {
                    return true;
                return false;


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