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jQuery UI Sliders - Adding values together from different sliders into one value

This seems like it would be a simple question but I keep running into a wall here.

All I am trying to do is add two values together into one value from two different sliders using jQuery UI. Here is my current code:

They aren't very clear in the documentation if this can be done or not. I have tried their methods and still can't get it to do what I want it to.

What am I doing wrong?

$(function() {      

min: 0,
max: 100,
slide: function(event, ui) {
    $('#slider1').slider("option", "value", ui.value);
    var amountOne = $('#amount').val(ui.value);

min: 0,
max: 100,
slide: function(event, ui) {
    $('#slider2').slider("option", "value", ui.value);
    var amountTwo = $('#amount2').val(ui.value);




Here is my HTML

 <div id="slider1" style="width:100px"></div>
 <div id="slider2" style="width:100px"></div>

 <input id="amount" />
 <input id="amount2" />
 <input id="amount3" />

I just want amount and amount2 to be added together to make amount3. Seems like it would be easy, but it's been giving me problems.

You can get the slider values with below code and use them as required.

var amountOne = $('#slider1').slider("option", "value");
var amountTwo = $('#slider1').slider("option", "value");

Check out http://jsfiddle.net/ZM59a/2/ - that ought to do it. I just created an update function which is called whenever either of the sliders are moved. Hope it helps.

(PS It was a real pain that applying jQuery UI doesn't automatically include the CSS... I had to check the source at http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/ and add the link from there. Got there in the end though :))

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