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Converting Haskell Polymorphic Cosine function to F#

I'm trying to convert some Haskell code to F# but I'm having some trouble since Haskell is lazy by default and F# is not. I'm also still learning my way around F#. Below is a polymorphic cosine function in Haskell with pretty good performance. I want to try and keep the same or better performance parameters in F#. I would like to see a F# List version and a F# Seq version since the Seq version would be more like the lazy Haskell but the List version would probably perform better. Thanks for any help.

Efficiency: number of arithmetic operations used proportional to number of terms in series

Space: uses constant space, independent of number of terms

takeThemTwoByTwo xs =
    takeWhile (not . null) [take 2 ys | ys <- iterate (drop 2) xs]

products xss = [product xs | xs <- xss]

pairDifferences xs =
    [foldr (-) 0 adjacentPair | adjacentPair <- takeThemTwoByTwo xs]

harmonics x = [x/(fromIntegral k) | k <- [1 ..]]

cosineTerms = scanl (*) 1 . products . takeThemTwoByTwo . harmonics

cosine = foldl (+) 0 . pairDifferences .
    take numberOfTerms . cosineTerms

Here is my attempt in case you're lazy to read:

let harmonics x = 
    Seq.initInfinite(fun i -> - x*x/(float ((2*i+1)*(2*i+2))))

let cosineTerms = Seq.scan (*) 1.0 << harmonics

let cosine numberOfTerms = Seq.sum << Seq.take numberOfTerms << cosineTerms

I have a hard time finding out that you're calculating cosine in radian using Taylor series:

cosine(x) = 1 - x 2 /2! + x 4 /4! - x 6 /6! + ...

Let me describe what you're doing:

  1. Create an infinite sequence of x/k where k is an integer starting from 1 .
  2. Split above sequence into chunks of two and scan by multiplying with a seed of 1 to have a sequence of x 2 /((2k-1)*(2k)) (with an exception of 1 at the beginning).

  3. Split the new sequence into blocks of two again to have differences in the form of x 4k-4 /((4k-4)!) - x 4k-2 /((4k-2)!) and sum all of them to get final result.

Because it's likely to be inefficient to split sequences in F# and takeThemTwoByTwo function is not essential, I chose another approach:

  1. Create an infinite sequence of - x 2 /((2k-1)*(2k)) where k is an integer starting from 1 .
  2. Scan the sequence by multiplying with a seed of 1 ; we get a sequence of (-1) k * x 2k /((2k)!).
  3. Sum all elements to obtain final result.

Above program is a direct translation of my description, succinct and simple. Computing cosine with numberOfTerms = 200000 iterations takes 0.15 seconds on my machine; I suppose it is efficient enough for your purpose.

Furthermore, a List version should be easy to translate from this one.


Ok, my fault was to underestimate the polymorphism part of the question. I focused more on the performance part. Here is a polymorphic version (keeping closely to the float version):

let inline cosine n (x: ^a) = 
    let one: ^a = LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne
    Seq.initInfinite(fun i -> LanguagePrimitives.DivideByInt (- x*x) ((2*i+1)*(2*i+2)))
    |> Seq.scan (*) one
    |> Seq.take n
    |> Seq.sum

Seq.initInfinite is less powerful than Seq.unfold in @kvb 's answer. I keep it to make things simple because n is in int range anyway.

Pad's answer is good, but not polymorphic. In general, it's significantly less common to create such definitions in F# than in Haskell (and a bit of a pain). Here's one approach:

module NumericLiteralG =
    let inline FromZero() = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
    let inline FromOne() = LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne    

module ConstrainedOps =
    let inline (~-) (x:^a) : ^a = -x
    let inline (+) (x:^a) (y:^a) : ^a = x + y
    let inline (*) (x:^a) (y:^a) : ^a = x * y
    let inline (/) (x:^a) (y:^a) : ^a = x / y

open ConstrainedOps

let inline cosine n x = 
    let two = 1G + 1G
    Seq.unfold (fun (twoIp1, t) -> Some(t, (twoIp1+two, -t*x*x/(twoIp1*(twoIp1+1G))))) (1G,1G)
    |> Seq.take n
    |> Seq.sum

As Pad wrote, this appears to be the Taylor series expansion of cos( x ) about x =0:

cosine(x) = 1 - x²/2! + x⁴/4! - x⁶/6! + ...

So your question is an XY question: you presented a solution rather than posing the problem. Presenting the problem instead makes it much easier to solve it differently.

Let's start by writing a float -specific version in F#:

let cosine n x =
  let rec loop i q t c =
    if i=n then c else
      loop (i + 1) (q + 10 + 8*i) (-t * x * x / float q) (c + t)
  loop 0 2 1.0 0.0

For example, we can compute 1M terms of the expansion of x=0.1:

cosine 1000000 0.1

The best way to make this polymorphic in F# is to parameterize the function over the operators it uses and mark it as inline in order to remove the performance overhead of this parameterization:

let inline cosine zero one ofInt ( ~-. ) ( +. ) ( *. ) ( /. ) n x =
  let rec loop i q t c =
    if i=n then c else
      loop (i + 1) (q + 10 + 8*i) (-.t *. x *. x /. ofInt q) (c +. t)
  loop 0 2 one zero

Now we can compute 1M terms using float like this, which is just as fast as before:

cosine 0.0 1.0 float ( ~- ) (+) (*) (/) 1000000 0.1

But we can also do single-precision float :

cosine 0.0f 1.0f float32 ( ~- ) (+) (*) (/) 1000000 0.1f

And arbitrary-precision rational:

cosine 0N 1N BigNum.FromInt (~-) (+) (*) (/) 10 (1N / 10N)

And even symbolic:

type Expr =
  | Int of int
  | Var of string
  | Add of Expr * Expr
  | Mul of Expr * Expr
  | Pow of Expr * Expr

  static member (~-) f = Mul(Int -1, f)
  static member (+) (f, g) = Add(f, g)
  static member (*) (f, g) = Mul(f, g)
  static member (/) (f, g) = Mul(f, Pow(g, Int -1))

cosine (Int 0) (Int 1) Int (~-) (+) (*) (/) 3 (Var "x")

To make it faster, hoist the common subexpression -x*x out of loop .

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