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Continue audio playback when iPhone is locked

How can I continue an audio playback in iPhone when it auto-locks or the user locks the phone?

I already tried

session = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
[session setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback error:NULL];

but that doesn't seem to work.

I finally figured out how to do this!

First of all, include these frameworks to your project: AudioToolbox, CoreAudio, MediaPlayer and AVFoundation. Import them all to the viewController where your player will be placed. After you allocated and started playing the audio, insert the following code:

UInt32 sessionCategory = kAudioSessionCategory_MediaPlayback;
AudioSessionSetProperty (kAudioSessionProperty_AudioCategory, sizeof (sessionCategory), &sessionCategory);

And finally, go to your app Info.plist file and add a row named UIBackgroundModes. The new row will be an array and will contain 1 item, the item 0. To this you just set the value as audio. And you're done! Enjoy you're background audio playing app!

This link should help.

You need to prevent the app from entering a deep sleep mode:

UInt32 category = kAudioSessionCategory_MediaPlayback;
OSStatus result = AudioSessionSetProperty(kAudioSessionProperty_AudioCategory,
                                                                            sizeof(category), &category);

if (result){

result = AudioSessionSetActive(true);
if (result) {

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