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Combine blur and click event

I try to implement the following code

    var email = $("#email").val();
        type: "POST", 
        url: "email_check.php", 
        data: "email="+email, 
        cache: false,
        success: function(msg) { 
            $("#emailcheck").ajaxComplete(function() { 
                if (msg == "OK") {
                    $(this).fadeIn("slow").html('email available');


<div class="clear" id="emailline">email:<input type="text" name="email"   id="email" style="border:1px solid #928b8b;"></div>
<div id="emailcheck"></div>
<input  type="button" class="form_button" id="register" value="register!">

The problem is when I click the 'register' button, the word "email available" disappears, but it appears again. I want it to disappear forever. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with my code, any help will be greatly appreciated!

The problem looks like it could be resting with a race condition between the blur function firing, as well as the click function firing order.

Think about this: if your #email element is in focus, nothing's happening, everything's great. When you click on the #register button, two things will happen: first, the blur function will fire, as well as the click function, hiding the #emailcheck element.

The AJAX call will almost likely complete AFTER the click function has hidden the #emailcheck element, thus showing it again after it's been hidden...make sense?

What you need to do is find a way to disable that blur event listening when the click function is called. I would be tempted to try either unbinding the event:


...or use a boolean flag to attempt to check to see if the blur event should be fired:

var run_blur = true;

    if (run_blur){

    run_blur = false;

This assumes execution order would be favourable, but I hope this helps! Let me know if you're still struggling! :)


Here's an example on jsfiddle for the boolean flag version of what I'm talking about: jsfiddle boolean example .


success: function(msg) {  
            $("#emailcheck").ajaxComplete(function() {  
                if (msg == "OK") { 
                    $(this).fadeIn("slow").html('email available'); 

function hideDiv(){

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