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How to update plugins version (of a rails project) when old version had manual changes

How to update many plugins version when old plugin's version had manual changes in project?

Is there any tool available for doing this?

or tell proper method for updating ruby plugin version if some plugins may have manual changes done before in the older plugin's version.

Best method when a plugin is required or preferred *might be to copy out the old plugin to a dummy directory for reviewing later, then

uninstall the plugin, (script/plugin uninstall plugin_name)

install the old (but unmodified version) plugin (script/plugin install plugin_name_source_address) - likely either from rubyforge or github

review against the saved version you put in the dummy directory using an editor capable of differential display (that is, which allows you to compare two files for variations. Notepad++ is one freebie that will do this, but there are a ton of editors that allow diff views)

(this may or may not be something you can script. idk. I'm not that good, but I don't know of a tool that will do it all for you)

do another uninstall on the plugin to clear it out, since it's job is done,

install the new version of the plugin (script/plugin install plugin_name_source_address)

and finally edit the new plugin as necessary to accommodate any customization that was performed by you or some third party to the original utility.

I say as necessary because some of the customizations may not even be required in the newer version, although I can't say for sure...

finally, once all your patches are re-added to the new plugin and it's been tested and verified, either delete the dummy directory or archive it for future reference.

See, and I didn't even cop out with a bundler answer. You DID ask for assistance with a plugin , right? ;)

I'm not quite following you, but surely but that's what the Gemfile is for?

Take a look at Bundler

尝试运行“ $gem install rails ”(它将安装较新版本的rails),然后安装watever gem,要求最终运行“ $bundle install

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