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What is a basepage, and if I don't have one, can I create on in Visual Studio 2010?

To allow the client to manually select their own language, I received instructions to install the following in my " basepage ". I just have regular .aspx pages and 5 master pages. I have a Visual Studio 2010 / vb / net 4.0 website. I just created my own class in Visual Studio and put the BasePage.vb in my app_code folder . Am I doing the right thing?

  Public Class BasePage
Inherits Page
Private Const m_DefaultCulture As String = "en-GB"

Protected Overrides Sub InitializeCulture()
    'retrieve culture information from session
    Dim culture__1 As String = Convert.ToString(Session("MyCulture"))

    'check whether a culture is stored in the session
    If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(culture__1) Then
        Culture = culture__1
        Culture = m_DefaultCulture
    End If

    'set culture to current thread
    Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(culture__1)
    Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = New CultureInfo(culture__1)

    'call base class
End Sub
End Class

Just create a class called BasePage and derive all your pages from that Page instead of classic ASP.NET Page.

Your BasePage would derive from classic ASP.NET Page.

Read Using a Custom Base Class for your ASP.NET Pages' Code-Behind Classes

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