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Upload a folder to DropBox using iPhone SDK

I am beginner in iOS Development and have just started using the DropBox SDK for developing an App.

I am currently using XCode 3.2.5 and using the Simulator version 4.2. I wanted to know if there was any way by which we can directly upload the contents of an entire folder(directory) containing n number of files to our App account using DropBox SDK for iPhone.

I went across the discussions in various forums across the net, but could not find an answer to solve this problem. Is there a possible work-around solution for this problem. If yes, how can we implement it? Can you please help.

EDIT: I have looked up the API in DropBox SDK version 1.1 for iOS, but, it does not have any facility to upload an a directory or all of its contents recursively. So, Will I have to traverse recursively over the contents of a directory and send multiple requests? Please help.

Easiest way to accomplish this is like this:

NSFileManager *fmgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSString *localDirectoryPath = @"path/to/directory";
NSArray *subPaths = [fmgr subpathsOfDirectoryAtPath:localDirectory error:&error];

for(NSString *path in subPaths){
        BOOL isDir;
        NSString *localPath = [userDir URLByAppendingPathComponent:path].path;
        [fmgr fileExistsAtPath:localPath isDirectory:&isDir];
            NSString *filename = [path lastPathComponent];

            NSString *destPath = [[[@"/" stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"base/path"]

            [[self restClient] uploadFile:filename toPath:destPath withParentRev:nil fromPath:localPath];

click here: https://github.com/chrishulbert/CHBgDropboxSync

for uploading & downloading dropbox folder/direcotry.

Read And Use the Contents Within Following Link


This Definatly helps You.

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