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dismissViewControllerAnimated is called but ViewController is not dismissed

I am having a problems with the dismissViewControllerAnimated method not closing down the view.

What is happening in the app here is:

  • Cell in ItemViewController is selected.
  • View is push ed to ItemDetailViewController and details are sent through a delegate
  • User selects 'done' and the event is sent via a delegate to be closed in ItemViewController

All of this works except for the View is not dismissed, there are no errors. Can anyone see what is wrong?

- (void)itemDetailViewControllerDidFinish:(ItemDetailViewController *)controller
    NSLog(@"Controller: %@", controller);
    // Returns - Controller: <ItemDetailViewController: 0x6b68b60>

    [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

What if you call [controller.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES] instead?

For that matter, what if you call [controller dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil] instead of calling it on self?

The answer is in this page: dismissviewcontrolleranimated-vs-popviewcontrolleranimated

dismissViewController is used when you do not have a navigationcontroller. Most probably you are using a navigation controller, then use self.navigationController popViewController instead.

Also take note of lemax his remark: use NULL, not nill for the completionhandler

I had a problem in iOS5 where the standard completion callback was not allowing the view to completely dismiss (only the current pushed view of that modal)

[controller dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:^ {

Solution for iOS5 is to not have a callback:

[controller dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

Had a problem where calling dismissViewControllerAnimated dismissed the keyboard in a UIViewController, but not the view itself.

Solved it by using two calls:

[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:nil];
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

an instant one for the keyboard, then an animated one for the controller

Your Situation is - ItemViewController -> ItemDetailViewController (pushed on navigationController) Self.dismissViewController(..) dismiss a view controller that is presented over self(in ur case it is ItemViewController). Here, u did not presented any VC over self, instead u pushed a new VC over navigation stack. So, Correct way to dismiss ItemDetailViewController would be

self.navigationController.popViewController(true). please read the description of dismissViewController(....) to get more clarity.

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