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How to set vim key mapping to normal?

I know "normal" is a subjective term, but you know what I mean. I'm on a mac. I want "delete" to backspace, hitting left at the beginning of a line jumps to end of previous line, and all the other keys I'm used to. Like I'm typing right now. Is there a simple way to do this and still be able to use the Terminal non-gui version without having to actually remap each key individually? please no "get used to it" answers. I just need it for one class. Don't want to get used to it. :) The terminal type (or whatever you call it) is xterm-256color/tcsh.

To fix the delete key, start with

:set backspace=indent,eol,start

The same thing can be accomplished with

:set bs=2

See :help bs for full details.

As a last resort, you may try

" see :help fixdel

You should take a look at vim's easy mode - simply start vim with the -y flag(or just run evim ) to make it behave like a regular text editor.

When in easy mode, you are always in insert mode. If you ever need regular vim commands, use CTRL-L to enter vim's normal mode, or CTRL-O to enter a single normal mode command and then return to insert mode.

More info in :help easy and :help evim-keys .

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