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jQuery: slideDown undesirably instant with no animation

I've written a short method to append rows to a table. It is as follows:

/* Append a row to the documentation heading table. */
function append_heading(heading, style, default_content, node_enabled, leaf_enabled)
    // Grab the table body.
    var tbody = $("#headings_table_body");

    // Generate our cells.
    var headingCell = $('<td class="heading_column"></td>');
    var styleCell = $('<td class="style_column"></td>');
    var defaultCell = $('<td class="default_column"></td>');
    var nodesCell = $('<td class="nodes_column ticked"></td>');
    var leavesCell = $('<td class="leaves_column ticked"></td>');

    // Fill in various cells.

    // Tick some cells cross the others.




    // Add all the cells to one big row.
    var tr = $("<tr></tr>")

    // Append the row to the table.


It appends the rows as expected, all nicely filled out and styled. The problem is, slideDown doesn't animate: It's current behaviour is analogous to me calling hide() and show(), it simply appears. How can I get this to animate correctly? Any help is appreciated, thanks.

jQuery is NOT able to animate tables directly. All that you need is to wrap the content of each td cell in the row into div with display:none and make slideDown animation for them! To make you life easier :)))

 tr.find('td').wrapInner('<div style="display: none;" />');
 tr.find('td > div')
             .slideDown('slow', function(){
                  var $set = $(this);

If you want to animate the whole table, it should be placed into div with animation applied to that div.

I assume it's because it does not know the height of the appended TR, try explicitly defining the height of the TR in your CSS or amend the code to do


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