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List of SOAP Function in Non-WSDL Mode

I am using the following code to read attendance data from a biometric device:


$options = array(
    'location' => '',
    'uri' => 'http://www.zksoftware/Service/message/'

$client = new SoapClient(null, $options);
$soapRequest = "<GetAttLog><ArgComKey xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">0</ArgComKey><Arg><PIN xsi:type=\"xsd:integer\">All</PIN></Arg></GetAttLog>";
$response = $client->__doRequest($soapRequest, '', '', '1.1');
echo '<pre>', var_dump(htmlspecialchars($response, ENT_QUOTES)), '</pre>';


This just works fine. But since we do not have the documentation/manual/API Reference for this particular device (and nowhere available), I have no clue on what other functions are available in this machine.

Is there any luck finding out what other SOAP parameters this device could accept?

Your help would be really valuable at this moment. Thank you!

At last I found the SOAP SDK Manual of zksoftware .

Since I was searching for the manual for almost a year, I am uploading it to my server for the benefit of future users: http://www.myfurni.com/downloads/zksoftware_SOAPSDKManual.pdf


The above link doesn't work anymore. Here is the new one: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByvozREXZpckcHlHYnZoOTMtWjg/view?usp=sharing

I don't think it is possible. WSDL is the source of information about functions and arguments. No WSDL - no function list.


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