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Why jasmine-node doesn't find my spec files?

I have installed jasmine-node using npm. My project's directory structure are following:


When I run jasmine-node from root folder with following command (for CoffeeScript):

jasmine-node --coffee --verbose spec

Finished in 0.015 seconds
0 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures

Same if I run JavaScript version.

If I explicitly point to spec file tests run fine:

jasmine-node --coffee --verbose spec/taxCalc.spec.coffee

Tax calculation
  calculates tax

Finished in 0.009 seconds
1 test, 1 assertion, 0 failures

Documentation says that file names should end with 'spec.js' or 'spec.coffee', so everything seems ok.

PS I am running on Windows 7.

Jasmine-node has been updated in the last week to use walkdir instead of findit which now makes it function in windows. Re-run npm install jasmine-node for the update.

Stumbled upon the same problem and have read MarisKs link too late :/ - but came to the same conclusion as described in the issue: At least on Windows 7, file.stat.ino returns always 0, so the function createInodeChecker() in findit/index.js returns always true and the file will be skipped.

Easiest on-the-fly-fix: edit createInodeChecker to

function createInodeChecker() {
    var inodes = {};
    return function inodeSeen(inode) {
        if (inode == 0) {
            return false;

        if (inodes[inode]) {
            return true;
        } else {
            inodes[inode] = true;
            return false;

Not nice, but you can work with it.

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