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didFinishLoadForFrame doesn't work

I've created a very simple Mac program to load a web page. It works and loads it well but I can't run events! Nothing is logged!

#import "BenotaAppDelegate.h"
@implementation BenotaAppDelegate
@synthesize webViewIns;
@synthesize window;

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
    NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://example.com"];
    NSURLRequest *req = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
    [[webViewIns mainFrame] loadRequest:req];

- (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didFinishLoadForFrame:(WebFrame *)frame {

I can not use delegate right....

You need to set outlet frameLoadDelegate from your webView object to a class, that contains a method webView:didFinishLoadForFrame:


Just a note that my (iOS) app was rejected due:

non-public API/s in your app: webView:didFinishLoadForFrame

You might want to reconsider your app, I definitely must find the 3rd party lib, which called that, and get rid of it. "It wasn't me!" is not a valid excuse :)

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