I require some help in creating Excel VBA code which will read a row of usernames from cells in Excel and then send an email to all those users by searching for the users email address in the Outlook contacts list.
I have managed to write the code that will bring up outlook's compose email dialog box from the spreadsheet.
You can use for in range with mails and call this proc to send email
Public Sub SendMail(MailTO As String, MailSubject As String, MailBody As String)
Dim appOL As Object
Dim myEmail As Object
Dim TxtHello As String
Set appOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set myEmail = appOL.CreateItem(olMailItem)
'Use hour to create a text
Select Case Hour(Time)
Case Is <= 12
TxtHello = "Good Morning," & vbNewLine
Case Is >= 12
TxtHello = "Good Afternoom," & vbNewLine
Case Is >= 18
TxtHello = "Good Night," & vbNewLine
End Select
With myEmail
.Recipients.Add MailTO
.Subject = MailSubject
.Body = TxtHello & MailBody
End With
Set myEmail = Nothing
Set appOL = Nothing
End Sub
call this sub passing these parameters
sendMail "Mail@yourContact.com","Test","This is a automatic mail"
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