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Setting Ember.Button text in Ember.js view

In the Ember.js app that I'm working on, I'm defining a view in my App.js file:

RateEditor.DeleteTierView = Em.View.extend({
  classNames: ['delete-tier-view'],
  tagName: 'button',
  click: function () {
    var tier = this.get('content');
    var controller = this.getPath('contentView.content');

The view displays correctly as a button and the click function is working fine. But I can't figure out how to set the text of the button , so it's just blank.

Is there a property that lets you set the text?

To create this:

  <button class="ember-view delete-tier-view">Click Me</button>

Do this:

  {{#view RateEditor.DeleteTierView}}Click Me{{/view}}

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