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Multiple hover effects at the same time for a dropdown-menu

I´d like to show a submenu mouse over:

  1. fadein ( opacity: 0 -> opacity : 1) effect and
  2. position movement (position: absolute; top:20px -> top:50px) at the same time like this: http://www.tuttoaster.com/wp-content/uploads/demos/3/navigation.html

But without "slideUp" and "slideDown". The whole box should move. Eg http://panic.com/coda/ the hover effect/tooltip on "Download".



$('.sub-menu li').hover(

$('ul', this).stop().animate({opacity: '1', top: '50px'}, 800);
function() {
$('ul', this).stop().animate({opacity : '0', top: '20px'}, 300);

My actuel code is visible on jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/C4c46/1/


This solution works great for me:

In action http://jsbin.com/iquwuc/6/edit#preview

$('.sub-menu li#access ul').hide();
    $('.sub-menu li#access').hover(function(){
        $('.sub-menu li#access ul').stop().animate({opacity: "show", marginTop: "25"}, 500);
        function() {
        $('.sub-menu li ul').stop().animate({opacity: "hide", marginTop: "10"}, 500);

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