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Add MonoTouch.Dialog on PopOverView

I'm trying to add an dialog to an CustomPopoverViewController ( see picture ) but I can't add it to the view. I have tried different methods but it will not display.

public partial class MyCustomPopoverViewController : UIViewController
    DetailViewController appd;

    public MyCustomPopoverViewController (DetailViewController app)
        appd = app;

    public override void ViewDidLoad ()
        Console.WriteLine ("Paged view did load");
        this.ContentSizeForViewInPopover = new SizeF (370, 670);

        var root = new RootElement ("Meals"){
        new Section ("Dinner"){
                new RootElement ("Desert", new RadioGroup ("desert", 2)){
                    new Section (){
                    new RadioElement ("Ice Cream", "desert"),
                    new RadioElement ("Ice Cream", "desert"),
                    new RadioElement ("Ice Cream", "desert"),
                    new RadioElement ("Ice Cream", "desert"),
                    new RadioElement ("Ice Cream", "desert")

I have found the answer my self. The solution is like this:

        public override void ViewDidLoad ()
        Console.WriteLine ("Paged view did load");
        this.ContentSizeForViewInPopover = new SizeF (370, 670);

        var root = new RootElement ("Meals"){
        new Section ("Dinner"){
                new RootElement ("Desert", new RadioGroup ("desert", 2)){
                    new Section (){
                    new RadioElement ("Ice Cream", "desert"),
                    new RadioElement ("Ice Cream", "desert"),
                    new RadioElement ("Ice Cream", "desert"),
                    new RadioElement ("Ice Cream", "desert"),
                    new RadioElement ("Ice Cream", "desert")
                    // This is the solution!
        var dv = new DialogViewController (root);

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