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how to prevent php fwrite() from overwriting a line of text on file?

I have extracted following lines of code from my script.

    $fp=fopen('C:\xampp\htdocs\Lib_auto_project\Deleted_Records\delete_log.sql','a+');// File where the string is to be written
    foreach($_POST as $temp)//repeat for all the values passed from the form
               $result_set=$mysqli->query("select * from {$_SESSION['table_name_1']} where Copyid=$temp");

        if($temp!='Drop')// Drop is simply the value of submit buttom
            $date=mysql_query("select now() as current_date_time") or die(mysql_error());
            $result="\n"."INSERT INTO delete_book_log  // this is the string begining with line break and followed by sql insert statement
              $mysqli->query("Delete from {$_SESSION['table_name_1']} where copyid=$temp");


![screen shot]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/dOzSj.jpg

As you can see from the screen-shot, when one or more of the records are selected and the drop button is clicked, I want the records to be deleted from the database but want the corresponding sql insert statements to be written into a file(C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\Lib_auto_project\\Deleted_Records\\delete_log.sql) .For that to happen I have written the above piece of code. Now the problem is when I select the records and drop them all goes as desired. When I do the same any other instant I want similar sql insert strings, stored as shown above in $result, appended to the end of the file(C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\Lib_auto_project\\Deleted_Records\\delete_log.sql) . This does not quite happen. Rather the previously written strings get overwritten by the new one. I have tried it over and over but only the recent strings get overwrite the old ones.

It's nice that php says in the manual that a+ (using a should be just enough for you):

Open for reading and writing; place the file pointer at the end of the file. If the file does not exist, attempt to create it.

but try to run this code (called test.php ):

$fp = fopen( 'test.php', 'a+') or die( 'Cannot open!');
echo 'Pos: ' . ftell($fp) ."\n";
echo fgets($fp);
echo 'Pos: ' . ftell($fp) ."\n";
fclose( $fp);

it'll generate this output:

Pos: 0
Pos: 6

You may either use fseek() :

fseek( $fp, 0, SEEK_END);

Or use file_put_contents() with proper parameters:

file_put_contents( $file, $string, FILE_APPEND);

And don't forget to check your file permissions and whether file was opened successfully by code like this:

if( !$fp){ 
    die( 'File cannot be opened!');

Try to use file_get_contents and file_put_contents instead of fwrite, and append your queries to array or string:

$fp=file_get_contents('C:\xampp\htdocs\Lib_auto_project\Deleted_Records\delete_log.sql');// File where the string is to be written
foreach($_POST as $temp)//repeat for all the values passed from the form
           $result_set=$mysqli->query("select * from {$_SESSION['table_name_1']} where Copyid=$temp");

    if($temp!='Drop')// Drop is simply the value of submit buttom
        $date=mysql_query("select now() as current_date_time") or die(mysql_error());
        $result="\n"."INSERT INTO delete_book_log  // this is the string begining with line break and followed by sql insert statement
          $fp .= $result . "\r\n";
          $mysqli->query("Delete from {$_SESSION['table_name_1']} where copyid=$temp");


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