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jQuery Slideshow not working in IE9

I have encountered a very strange problem. The jquery slideshow in the below webpage is not working in IE9. It won't even work on reload. However, if i open the developer tools and refresh the page, it will work. Can anyone help me troubleshoot this.

All the code for the gallery is in scripts/gallery.js

Fixed It: It worked again when i removed "console.log()' from the code. Thanks everyone.

Your gallery script has console log statements in it which causes IE to bork if the dev tools aren't opened (IE9). You're also missing a css file ("NetworkError: 404 Not Found - http://blacktoyota.foxqa.com.au/css/RegisterWizard.css?v=1.0 ")

See also console.log.apply not working in IE9 and Does IE9 support console.log, and is it a real function?

Try commenting out line 108 of gallery.js

IE doesn't support the console.log function

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