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getting values from a dynamic href links

hello friends i am trying to get value from a dynamic href link . in which the three values which i pass through the href changes . actally the href is a part of image . i am getting 7 images from database . it means there are 7 href in total . so here is my problem , even if i try to extract the value from the href . only the value of the fst href is displayed in alert . here is my jquery code. for eg . i click on 3rd image then also values of the first href link is displayed .can anyone help me out ?

var a = document.getElementById('plzx');

var parts = a.search.slice(1).split('&');

var table = {};

for( var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++ ) {
    var pair = parts[i].split('=');
    table[pair[0]] = pair[1];

var id = table.id;
var a =table.a;
var pic =table.pic;

and here is my gallery code sample by which i getting values in href dynamically

    <a href="<?php echo $pic;?>?id=<?php echo $id;?>&a=<?php echo $srcwidth;?>&pic=<?php echo $picID;?>" data-title="hi" data-desc=" " data-rel="group2" data-bw="<?php echo $pic;?>"  class="lightbox" id="plzx" >                         
        <img src="<?php echo $pic;?>"  width="160" height="160" title="Click To View"/> 

my php code .after being executed

         <a id="plzx" class="lightbox" data-bw="uploads/1452243951jatin.png" data-rel="group2" data-desc=" " data-title="hi" href="uploads/1452243951jatin.png?id=3&amp;a=796&amp;pic=4">

                    <span style="position: relative;" class="tp-lightbox-element">
            <img width="160" height="160" title="Click To View" src="uploads/1452243951jatin.png">

well.as far as i know unfortunately A tags cannot be identified independently..this can be avoided using divs for each A tags.

or you can get the list of all A tags from the page like this..

var lnk = td.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]
var src=lnk.href

$('.classname​​​​​​​​​​​').click(function(){ a=this; var parts = a.search.slice(1).split('&'); var table = {};

 for( var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++ ) {
 var pair = parts[i].split('=');
 table[pair[0]] = pair[1];

var id = table.id;
var a =table.a;
 var pic =table.pic;
return false;

​Check out this fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/yBJ6j/

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