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rails 3 namespaced controller and routing

I am having problem with namespaced controller and routing. I have following namespaced route.

  namespace :institution do
    resources :students

along with

  resources :students, :only => [] do
    resources :college_selections, :only =>[:index, :create, :update]
    resources :progress, :only => [:index] do
      collection {get 'compare'}
    resources :marks

it generated the following routes

       institution_students GET    /institution/students(.:format)                 {:action=>"index", :controller=>"institution/students"}
                            POST   /institution/students(.:format)                 {:action=>"create", :controller=>"institution/students"}
    new_institution_student GET    /institution/students/new(.:format)             {:action=>"new", :controller=>"institution/students"}
   edit_institution_student GET    /institution/students/:id/edit(.:format)        {:action=>"edit", :controller=>"institution/students"}
        institution_student GET    /institution/students/:id(.:format)             {:action=>"show", :controller=>"institution/students"}
                            PUT    /institution/students/:id(.:format)             {:action=>"update", :controller=>"institution/students"}
                            DELETE /institution/students/:id(.:format)             {:action=>"destroy", :controller=>"institution/students"}

I have a students controller inside institution directory in apps directory. And it has following structure.

class Institution::StudentsController < ApplicationController
  before_filter :require_login

Now when i tried to redirect to students show page with a link_to helper method as shown below

<%= link_to "show", institution_student_path(student) %> 

then it showed wired kind of link with a period(.) in it. Say the student id is 100 and it generated the routes like this


here 4 is current institution id i guess. Why is such routes being generated.

And when i click on show link it gave me error saying

Expected /home/gagan/projects/App_name/app/Institution/students_controller.rb to define StudentsController

What am i missing here.

Thanks in advance.

you should be using

<%= link_to "show", institution_student_path(institution, student) %>


<%= link_to "show", institution_student_path(student.institution, student) %>

if there is an association between student and institution.

Never mind I got the answer. Actually I was putting institution folder outside controller folder which was the reason that the controller inside this folder are not being recognized. Hence solved the problem.

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