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How can I bind the CSS background-image property?

Is it possible to make a style background-image binding?

I tried this code:

<div data-bind="foreach: itemList">
    <div data-bind="style: { background-image: 'url:(temp.png)' }">some text</div>          

I also tried backgroundImage , without quotes in url , without : after url , but it's still not working. All the others, like color or backgroundColor bindings are working perfectly.

As stated in the documentation , you need to use the Javascript name for the style you want to control.

This means that you would have to use backgroundImage instead of background-image .

Something like this:

<div data-bind="foreach: itemList"> 
    <div data-bind="style: { backgroundImage: 'url(temp.png)' }">some text</div>

I'm not sure why everyone (except Sujesh) is answering this question and still hard coding the temp.png . If you are not binding to a ko.observable property then don't use data-bind . Just use the standard style property of the html element.

<div data-bind="foreach: itemList">
    <div style="background-image: url('temp.png');">some text</div>          

For data binding to get the url I wish Sujesh Arukil's answer worked for me but it didn't. If anyone has that working, please enlighten me.

Here is what worked for me but I don't care for it. I used a computed to get the value of the background-image.

In the view model

self.imageUrl = ko.observable();

self.bgImageUrlStyle = ko.computed(function() {
    return "url(" + self.imageUrl() + ")";

In the HTML

<div data-bind="style: { 'background-image': bgImageUrlStyle }">

By the way, you can set up a custom binding to make the syntax less unwieldy:

ko.bindingHandlers.backgroundImage = {
  update: function(element, valueAccessor) {
      function(){return {backgroundImage: "url('" + valueAccessor() + "')"}});

Then in your HTML you can do

<div data-bind="backgroundImage: image"></div>

You don't need the : in the url section for a background image, it is just url(/foo.png) .

Your binding also needs to use background-image since that is the style property, but in quotes, like so ( backgroundImage is the JavaScript API for style):

<div data-bind="style: { 'background-image': 'url(https://www.google.com/intl/en_com/images/srpr/logo3w.png)' }"></div>​

Live demo here - http://jsfiddle.net/slace/EgUaM/

Edit After posting the example Github started experiencing database issues so here's an alternate jsfiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/slace/EgUaM/1/


<div data-bind="style: { backgroundImage: 'url(\'' + $data.videoImg + '\')' }"> </div>

Just put quotes (single quotes) around the property name. whenever your have - in the property name eg background-image or background-url you need to put quotes around the name

<div data-bind="style: {'background-image' : 'url(somepath)'}>

That is the problem. Mentioned in the Knockout documentation.

based on KO documentation,

VALUE to be SET to any Property in KO is ViewModal Property Value.

where somepath = ViewModal Property that is PATH to your background image.

When there are two names, use the first name in lower case and the first character of the second name in upper case. Examples:

color = color
background-color = backgroundColor
font-style = fontStyle
font-weight = fontWeight 

please refer to http://knockoutjs.com/documentation/style-binding.html and http://www.comptechdoc.org/independent/web/cgi/javamanual/javastyle.html

When u say: data-bind:"{...somecode...}" you need to understand that u are inside of javascript. If you write: background-image he tries to subtract image from background (background-image). Thats are undefined variables. Then it is much clearer.

<div data-bind="style: { background: 'url(' + imageUrl + ')' }" ></div>

The above one i used suppose to work.

If you use background: 'url(imageUrl)' , it will consider as a string only.

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