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GVim under win7 <leader> key doesn't work

Searched around but couldn't find any question that share same symptom with mine:

Fresh installed GVim under win7, installed EasyMotion with default setting. Thing is the key never worked, it always give the beep when I press "\\". So I map it to other key like this:

let mapleader = ";" 

But still when press ";" key, it only give the beep and no other response, I'm almost give up after 2 hours...

Not sure, but your mapleader is ; (semicolon) and you say that you are typing , (comma).

I have

let mapleader=","
nmap ,p "*p

(and a bunch more maps). When I type ,p I get clipboard paste.

Another thought would be to unistall gvim, unistall EasyMotion and reinstall gvim without EasyMotion (not sure what that is).

The reason why EasyMotion wasn't wake up was due to my wrong installation. Instead of copy the whole un-zipped folder's content into vim's plugin folder, I picked up the individual file "EasyMotion.vim" which cause the problem.

After I delete the file, and copy the who EasyMotion folder into vim's plugin folder, OMG, it just worked:) cheers~~

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