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jQuery prevent input default action

I have an ajax form I would like to prevent from preforming an action when submitted and have tried numerous methods and nothing works. My first method was:

 return false;

and then I tried


event being the callback name or whatever you call it.

function(event) {

Heres the HTML I am using right now:

<form class="main_search" method="POST" action="ajaxsearch.php">
    <input type="text" class="editable" placeholder="Search">

Heres the test javascript I set up:

$('.main_search').submit(function(event) {
    event.preventDefault(console.log(event)); //Log the event if captured

Neither method works but the weird part is that they work on different things like buttons but they don't work on this one form. Am I missing something here? Thanks!

To deal with your specific problem (ie, inserting dynamically generated form ), use $.on() . You're better off not using document.body as the parent observer (as $.live() essentially does) with $.on() , so the following would be appropriate (considering your actual markup):

<div id="searches">
    <form class="main_search" method="POST" action="ajaxsearch.php">
        <input type="text" class="editable" placeholder="Search">

var $main_search = $('.main_search'),
    $searches = $('#searches');

$searches.on('submit', '.main_search', function(event) {
    console.log(event); //Log the event if captured

}, 5000);


I set up a JSfiddle:


Could it be you forgot to wrap it into $(document).ready(function() {} ? If this didn't solve the problem: Since the fiddle is working - we would need your context to help more.

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