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Return the text of a HREF from a list generated dynamically

I have a table generated dynamically that may be represented as follows:

<a class="editlink" id="1" href="#">Entry_1</a>
<a class="editlink" id="2" href="#">Entry_2</a>
<a class="editlink" id="3" href="#">Entry_3</a>
<a class="editlink" id="4" href="#">Entry_4</a>
<a class="editlink" id="5" href="#">Entry_5</a>

I'm unable to get the text of the HREF anchor (ie 'Entry_3' ). The following returns correctly the right index:

var index = $(".editlink").index(this);

but this one returns always the last element of the list:

var item_name = $(".editlink").eq(index).text();

$(this).text() returns nothing

$(a#3).text() returns nothing (remember also that the list is generated dinamically)

Thank you.

I FOUND WHAT'S WRONG but don't know how to fix it:

A LOOP generates the following table with a number of rows:

    <td><a class="editlink" id="1" href="#">Item_1</a><td>
    <td><input type="checkbox" /></td>
    <td><a class="delete_review" id="1" href="#"><img src="remove.png"/></a></td>

I want to delete the row (that part works) when the user clicks the image (.delete_review):

$(".delete_review").click(function() {
    var index = $(".editlink").index(this);
    var item_name = $(".editlink").eq(index).text();

I noticed from the examples you provided that the script works if I call JQuery using the same class of the links (.editlink);

$(".editlink").click(function() {

but not if I use the class of the image:

$(".delete_review").click(function() {

If you're trying to get the text of the anchor that was clicked, from within an event handler, it's:

var item_name = $(this).text();

Side note: Your id values are valid for HTML5 , but not for HTML4 and more significantly not for CSS ; in CSS, an id value cannot start with a digit. This is significant because jQuery uses CSS-style selectors for querying DOM elements, so it's best to stick to valid CSS id values if you're going to use them in selectors.


var item_name = '';
$(document).on("click", "a.editlink", function() {
    item_name = $(this).text();

Also, I'd recommend something like href="#null" as href="#" will jump the user to the top of the page.

要获取第三个链接的文本(它的索引为2 ,因为索引是从0开始的):

var item_name = $(".editlink").eq(2).text();

Works fine for me with latest jQuery 1.7 and Chrome !

check jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/2GuhV/


I think that should do? :o this gets the html in the div id="3". and why do you use a classname and an id name? you could make it so when you generate the urls they output like this:

<a class="editlink 1" href="#">Entry_1</a>


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