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HTML5 audio playback over HTTPS on safari IPhone 4.3

I have written a simple HTML code to play an audio file using the HTML5 audio tag on IPhone.

<audio controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay">
<source src=">" type="audio/wav" preload="auto"/>
Your browser does not support the audio element.

The above code works perfectly fine over safari. The problem comes when I change the Source URL from HTTP to HTTPS.

I started getting "This movie could not be played" error message.

I am using a certificate chain which is as follows:

VeriSign Trial Secure Server Root CA - G2 -> VeriSign Trial Secure Server CA - G2 -> ucbu-aricent-vm200

The certificate of the Root CA (above) is not available in Safari by default.

So I had attached the certificate for the certificate authority (both Root and Intermediate) to an email, and then added them in IPhone by clicking the attachments in the email.

But still I see that the SSL Handshake fails when Safari created a TCP session to transfer the WAV file.

NOTE: The SSL handshake goes successful when the TCP session is created to fetch the HTML file from the server. I had compared the network packets of the SSL handshake of HTML and WAV file scenarios and both of them were identical.

This was mentioned above by ceejoyez and again by the OP (Thank you both!), but I almost missed it as it wasn't an actual answer :

If you are serving the content over https you need to have a valid certificate or it will not play on iOS devices (or on Safari on a Mac).

See here for a related question.

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