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How to add command (contextmenu item) to office communicator 2007 R2?

I am working on Office Communicator feature where I want to add a context menu item to the office communicator. I followed the steps given at; http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd819982(v=office.13).aspx

But I am not able to see any menu item. I modified the registry with the given script.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Communicator\\SessionManager\\Apps{1F9F07C6-7E0B-462B-AAD7-98C6DBEA8F69}] "Name"="Contoso Sales Contact Manager" "HelpMessage"="The Contoso Sales Contact Manager is not installed. Contact the Help Desk for more information." "ApplicationType"="REG_DWORD:00000000" "ApplicationInstallPath"="C:\\cltest.exe" "Path"="C:\\cltest.exe %user-id% %contact-id%" "SessionType"="REG_DWORD:00000001" "ExtensibleMenu"="ConversationWindowActions;MainWindowRightClick"

Am I missing anything else ? Please help me out to resolve this.

Got the solution on Microsoft forum. Thought to share it on StackOverflow for other users, if anyone is looking for it.


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