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Why can't I bind a property to an object using the prototype?

I have the script...

 var MyClass = {
        someText: 'Hello World'

    jQuery(document).ready(function () {

        MyClass.prototype.someText = 'proto Hello World';


But I get an exception saying...

Microsoft JScript runtime error: `MyClass.prototype is null or not an object`

But when I read about the prototype it says its avaiable to all instances of an object but the above seems to disprove this. Whagwan?

Why does my javascript not work?

Because you do not understand how prototypes work. Functions define prototypes, objects inherit.

var MyClass = function () { };
MyClass.someText = 'Hello World';
MyClass.prototype.someText = 'proto Hello World';

To get an object that inherits a prototype property or method, you need to create an instance:

var myInstance = new MyClass();

You can also create an object with a particular internal [[Prototype]] by using the ES 5 method Object.create() :

var myObj = Object.create({someText: 'proto Hello World'});

If you create the MyClass object like this:

var MyClass = function() {};

Then the prototype is automatically created.

Try this

var MyClass = { someText: 'Hello World' };

jQuery(document).ready(function () {

        MyClass.someText = 'proto Hello World';



   var MyClass = function () { };
   MyClass.someText = 'Hello World';
   MyClass.prototype.someText = 'proto Hello World';

You do not need the .prototype in this instance:

var MyClass = {     someText: 'Hello World' }; 
alert (MyClass.someText);
MyClass.someText = 'proto Hello World';
alert (MyClass.someText);

will alert "Hello World" and "proto Hello World"

EDIT: I wanted to follow up with some useful information - not really super new but perhaps this will help someone along the way to success.

SOME BACKGROUND: http://ejohn.org/blog/simple-class-instantiation/

Working example: http://jsfiddle.net/MarkSchultheiss/4GZha/#base

// makeClass - By John Resig (MIT Licensed)

function makeClass() {
    return function(args) {
        if (this instanceof arguments.callee) {
            if (typeof this.init == "function") this.init.apply(this, args.callee ? args : arguments);
        } else return new arguments.callee(arguments);
var MyClass = makeClass();
MyClass.prototype.init = function(newText, newThing) {
    this.someText = newText == undefined ? 'defaultText' : newText;
    this.newThing = newThing == undefined ? 'defaultThing' : newThing ;
    this.gobble = 'turkey';
    this.cracker = 'cheese';

MyClass.prototype.otherText = 'otherstuff';
var trustme = MyClass('trustmedude');
alert(trustme.someText +":"+ trustme.newThing);
var iam = MyClass('some new text', 'mything');
alert("tmething "+trustme.newThing);
alert(iam.someText); //returns "some new text"
iam.someText = 'hi fred';
alert(iam.someText); //returns "some ne text"
alert(iam.otherText); // returns "otherstuff"
alert(iam.newThing); //returns "mything"
alert(MyClass.someText); //returns undefined
alert(MyClass.otherText); //returns undefined
alert(iam.cracker + iam.gobble); //returns "cheeseturkey"
alert(iam.hasOwnProperty("someText")); //returns true

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