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Grails login doesn't work

I'm new to Grails, and having a problem that is no doubt trivial, but I cannot find anything online!

I have a class:

package lib

class Login {

  String name
  String email
  String password
  String phonenumber

  static constraints = {


In my Bootstrap file I create two instances of this class:

new Login(email:"tom", password:"password1")
new Login(email:"ian", password:"password2")

Now I have set up a Login form and I am trying to loop over these values and do something if they match:

def submit() {

  def result = Login.findAll { email == params.email && password == params.password }
  if (result.size() > 0) {
    println "good login"
  else {
    println "bad login"

  // some other stuff

The problem is that it is printing "bad login" every time, every when the entered email and password match those declared in the Bootstrap file. It's probably just a misunderstanding on my end, but I can't figure it out!


phonenumber and name are null in your initialisation. Therefore the users cannot be persisted in your bootstrap.groovy. Double check, that save works:

def login1 = new Login(..)
if (!login1.save()) {
    log.error("Login cannot be persisted: " + login1.errors);

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