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Redirect to login page instead of index page in Yii

When I am going to my application, the page is redirect to the index page in Yii.

As per requirement, I want to redirect to the login page of the user module just like /user/login .

So for doing that I have changed the sitecontroller code index to user/login , but it showed an error.

Can some one tell me how to redirect the user/login page by default instead of index page? Any help and suggestions will be highly appreciable.

Check this thread on Yii framework forum .

Copy/paste of the answer (by jodev ):

No need to extend anything. All you have to do is open up protected/config/main.php and add the following to the config array:

 return array( 'basePath' => dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..', 'name' => 'My application', 'defaultController' => 'myController/myAction', // <--- add this line and replace with correct controller/action 

To redirect to a particular controller/action


Before getting to the View and its form, let's be clear as to how the View accesses the specific Model. A Controller may have this code:

public function actionCreate() {

    $model=new Employee;

    /* Code for validation and redirect upon save. */

    // If not saved, render the create View:
        'model'=>$model, // Model is passed to create.php View!

要重定向到登录页面$ this-> redirect(array('/ site / login'));

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