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Multiple view on same page with backbone.js

I am testing backbone by making a craft system. You have elements (stone, wood, gold..) and you make items with it.

To make items, you have some recipe, so I have two models:


At the bottom of my page, I make a list of my elements using a backbone view. It work very well. When you click on an element, I add it to my bag.

My root router :

class MyTest.Routers.App extends Backbone.Router
    '': 'index'
    'elements/:id' : 'show'

   initialize: ->
     @elements = new MyTest.Collections.Elements()

   index: ->
      view = new MyTest.Views.ElementsIndex(collection: @elements)

   initRecipe: ->
     @recipes = new MyTest.Collections.Recipes()
     view = new MyTest.Views.RecipesIndex(collection: @recipes)

   show: (id) ->
      alert "Element #{id}"

My element view :

class MyTest.Views.Element extends Backbone.View

  template: JST['elements/element']

    'element_rended': 'initImagesDatas'
    'click  img' : 'observeImageEvents'
    'click .more': 'addToBag'
    'click .less': 'decreaseNumber'

  tagName : 'li'

  render: ->
    $(@el).html(@template(element: @model))
    @currentImage = $(@el).find('img')
    @craftBox = null

  initImagesDatas: ->

  observeImageEvents: (event) ->

  isAdded: ->
    if (@currentImage.data('alreadyAdded') == true) then true else false

  addToBag: (event) ->
    if (@isAdded())

  getNextCraftBox: ->
    returnItem = $('#craft-area li').eq(0)
    $('#craft-area li').each ->
      if $(this).find('img').length == 0
        returnItem = $(this)
        return false
    @craftBox = returnItem
    return returnItem

  incrementNumber: ->
    @craftBox.find('.number').text(parseInt(@craftBox.find('.number').text())+ 1)

  decreaseNumber: ->
    if parseInt(@craftBox.find('.number').text()) == 1
      @craftBox.find('.number').text(parseInt(@craftBox.find('.number').text())- 1)

  removeToBag: ->
    if (@isAdded())
      @craftBox.parents('ul').append('<li><div class="number">0</div></li>')

My recipe view :

class MyTest.Views.Recipe extends Backbone.View

  recipeSelected: null

  template: JST['recipes/recipe']

  tagName : 'li'
  className: 'recipe-li',

      'click': 'preFillItemsRequired'

  preFillItemsRequired: ->
    if $(@el).hasClass('selected') then $(@el).removeClass('selected') else $(@el).addClass('selected');
    recipeSelected = @model;

  addIngredient: ->

  render: ->
    $(@el).html(@template(recipe: @model))

My question is how can I interact between my two views? How can I get my selected recipe (without using css selector) from my element's view for example?

My test looks like:


The easiest and the propert MVC way to do it is having them to observe the same model.

A view should not be able to interact with another view, but it should be able to observe a model and change the model state, or change its own state based on the model state.

var MyTest.Views.Recipe = Backbone.View.extend({
    initialize: function(){
        this.model.on('change:selected', this.render, this);
    events: {
        'click': function(){
            this.model.set('selected', this.cid);
    render: function(){
        if( this.model.get('selected') == this.cid ) {
        else {

var model = new Backbone.Model();

var view1 = new MyTest.Views.Recipe({
    model: model,

var view2 = new MyTest.Views.Recipe({
    model: model,

// ...

I think the easiest way is to use the event triggers


shows the thought at the bottom

or the simpler usage pattern

https://github.com/derickbailey/backbone.marionette and look at app.vent: Event Aggregator

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