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Plot a JPG image using base graphics in R

I am searching for a simple way to plot a photographic JPEG image on a graphics device in R.

For example the following using the raster package appears to ignore the colour attributes in the image. I want to reproduce the photograph in its original colours:


myJPG <- raster("colourfulPic.jpg")
plot(myJPG)  ## Recolours JPEG;

I have discovered that the package rimage has recently been archived and appears to no longer be recommended for use (see here ), if it, indeed, ever did what I need.

Similarly the EBImage for BioConductor, which may also possibly work, is not built for 64 bit Windows, and unfortunately I need this architecture.

Please tell me I missing something very obvious in base graphics?

Here goes an updated solution, that relies only on the jpeg package and handles color and greyscale images ( packages used in other solutions are outdated and won't install with a recent R version ).

The solution consists in this plot function:

plot_jpeg = function(path, add=FALSE)
  jpg = readJPEG(path, native=T) # read the file
  res = dim(jpg)[2:1] # get the resolution, [x, y]
  if (!add) # initialize an empty plot area if add==FALSE

This function can then be called with the path of the picture as argument, for example:


To add the picture to an existing plot, use the switch add=TRUE - and be wary of axis limits!

Using the imager package:


image <- load.image(image_filename)

This works for a number of image formats including jpeg , gif , etc...

如果要构建RMarkdown文档, knitr::include_graphics()是直接且简单的。

Instead of rimage , perhaps use the package ReadImages :

myjpg <- read.jpeg('E:/bigfoot.jpg')

raster Has a built-in function for this called plotRGB

myJPG <- stack("colourfulPic.jpg")  

Please note that ReadImages is now deprecated. Instead you could install the biOps package , which also contains a rich set of image manipulation methods. Use as follows:


image <- readJPEG("test.jpg")

# image is of type imagedata (the red,green,blue channel images concatenated)


Edit: An object of type imagedata is accessed as image[Y,X,Channel] , btw

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