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Better way to write this particular function in JavaScript

I'm beginning my journey with JavaScript and programming in general. Not having many developers around I could ask how to do this or do that i'm learning by doing however I'd like some pro's to look around my code and tell me how bad it is.

Any comments for a Noob will be appreciated. Thank you in advance! I know there is probably zillion such classes but I want to learn from scratch and not reuse someones code at this level of my knowledge.

this function returns colors in rgba(r,g,b,a) or rgb(r,g,b) format taking a value for each channel or a random value if "random" is a parameter for an color channel:

someColor = nutils.getNewColor(100,200,"random","random");

will return a string in format:

"rgba(100,232,0.12)" or "rgb(100,200,234)" if no alpha is passed

Here is the code I wrote:

 window.utils.getNewColor = function (rRange, gRange, bRange, alpha) { function rValue() { return Math.round(Math.random() * 255); } if (!rRange == undefined || rRange == null || typeof rRange === 'string' && rRange == "random") { rRange = rValue(); } if (!gRange == undefined || gRange == null || typeof gRange === 'string' && gRange == "random") { gRange = rValue(); } if (!bRange == undefined || bRange == null || typeof bRange === 'string' && bRange == "random") { bRange = rValue() } if (typeof alpha === 'string' && alpha == "random") { alpha = Math.round(Math.random() * 100) / 100 return "rgba(" + rRange + "," + gRange + "," + bRange + "," + alpha + ")"; } else if (typeof alpha === 'number' && alpha < 1) { return "rgba(" + rRange + "," + gRange + "," + bRange + "," + alpha + ")"; } else { return "rgb(" + rRange + "," + gRange + "," + bRange + ")"; } }; 


After reading your comments I come up with a solution based on @KooilNic advise, however slightly modified to comprehend my lack of understanding ternary operations evaluation.

Here is the modified/updated code:

 utils.getNewColor = function (rRange, gRange, bRange, alpha) { rRange = rRange || Math.round(Math.random() * 255); gRange = gRange || Math.round(Math.random() * 255); bRange = bRange || Math.round(Math.random() * 255); if (alpha === undefined) { return "rgb(" + [rRange, gRange, bRange].join(',') + ")"; } else { alpha = alpha && alpha < 1 ? alpha : (Math.round(Math.random() * 100) / 100); return "rgba(" + [rRange, gRange, bRange, alpha].join(',') + ")"; } }; 

You can make this method very short using short circuit booleans or in the case of alpha a ternary operator . There's no need to reference window in the method call. All the check for undefined or null are unnecessary. A declared value can be referenced. Within if statements, use === as equality comparison operator , because that compares both compares value and type.

The shorter version of your method:

utils.getNewColor = function (rRange, gRange, bRange, alpha) {
    rRange = rRange || Math.round(Math.random() * 255;
    gRange = gRange || Math.round(Math.random() * 255;
    bRange = bRange || Math.round(Math.random() * 255;
    alpha  = alpha && alpha < 1 ? alpha : (Math.round(Math.random() * 100) / 100;
    return "rgba(" + [rRange,gRange,bRange,alpha].join(',') + ")";

Consider replacing rValue with a function to include those conditional checks, like so:

function genValue(v) {

    if(v == undefined || v == null || v == "random") {
        return Math.round(Math.random() * 255);

    return v;


// and later:
rRange = genValue(rRange);
gRange = genValue(gRange);

That should reduce some code duplication.

Also consider reducing the places where you construct your result ( "rgb(" + ... + ")" to one or two places.


Some people are recommending code like !rValue || rValue == "random" !rValue || rValue == "random" . Take care with this, as if you pass 0 in for rValue, you will get random colors.

The comparisons like this:

typeof rRange === 'string' && rRange == "random"

can simply be rRange === "random" , as === avoids the type conversion.

Creating a fn that encapsulates your test and random generation will shorten the code. The name/concept of this function isn't ideal, but it will work:

function randIfNull(val, maxRandVal) {
    if (val == undefined || val == null || val === "random") {
        return Math.round(Math.random() * (maxRandVal || 255));
    } else {
        return val;

(NOTE: I think you have an rRange == undefined || which equals rRange != undefined -- which will almost always evaluate to true. I changed this.)

Then the body of your function can be more simple:

rRange = randIfNull(rRange);
gRange = randIfNull(gRange);
bRange = randIfNull(bRange);

And then you can combine some of the code in your final statements:

if (alpha == "random" || (typeof alpha === 'number' && alpha < 1)) {
    alpha = randIfNull(alpha, 100);
    return "rgba(" + rRange + "," + gRange + "," + bRange + "," + alpha + ")";
else {
    return "rgb(" + rRange + "," + gRange + "," + bRange + ")";

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