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What's wrong in this jquery $.each() code?


 $.each(['#clk','#clk1'], function()
        $(this).click(function () {


   <a href="#" id="clk">click me</a>
   <a href="#" id="clk1">click me</a>

No alert box when the link is clicked. UPDATE:
I have more than 1 id. I have shown only one to simplify the problem.

You could further simplify it to:

$("#clk").click (function () {

You will have to use String.toString() to get the value of the String object.

It´s not clear why you would need an array of selectors but here are two solutions;

Your solution using String.toString() ;

// Array of strings to be used as element selectors.
var selectors = ['#element1', '#element2'];

// Using $.each()
$.each(selectors, function() {
    // String.toString() returns the value of the String object.
    var $this = $(this.toString());

    $this.click(function () {
        console.log('Clicked element(1) =', this.id || this); // DEBUG

Alternative solution using String.join() ;

// Using String.join()
$(selectors.join(',')).click(function(event) {
    event.preventDefault(); // This is to not follow the link

    // Notice that "this" now referes to the current/clicked element 
    // and not any string value from the "selectors" array.
    console.log('Clicked element(2) =', this.id || this); // DEBUG

See my demo .

If you don´t really need the array of selectors I would recommend a simple multiple selector like this;

$('#element1, #element2').click(function() { ... });

Firstly, why are you using a foreach construct when iterating over an id? When you are using and id, there is supposed to be EXACTLY ONE element with the given id. So, this should be fine:

$("#clk").click(function() {

Secondly, each iterates over an array, your array being #clk . Just the string, nothing else. All your function gets is two parameters: 0' (the index of the element) and the string #clk` (the value at that index). The string IS NOT resolved to a JS object.

IMO, the cleanest way to solve your problem statement would be:

$("a[id^='clk']").click(function () {

The ^= selector would select all anchors whose id starts with 'clk' and bind the click function to all of those. You can read more about this selector here

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