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Modeling a to-many relationship in Core Data

I asked this question earlier, but I'm missing one important thing. I have a NoteObject entity and every note, without Core Data, just has an arrayOfTag s (which is an array of NSStrings ). I decided to use to-many relationships to store the tags instead of an array. So I created a new " Tags " entity, and set up a to-many relationship from my NoteObject to Tags . This works great when every tag is related to only one note, but I'm unsure how I would go about linking one tag with multiple notes. How would I set up that relationship?

In you data modeler just make the Tags -> Notes relationship a to-many relationship. If you have already generated the Entity subclasses you will have to redo those. You will also have to be careful when creating tags to ensure uniqueness, but other than that it should be fairly straightforward. myTag.notes should work just as well as myNote.tags .

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