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.append() an element, click() not registering

I am trying to add an element to the DOM, and then working with this element, once clicked. However, I dont think the function below registers because this is a self invoking function (located at the end of the HTML), and is run only at the begging.

 (function (){
    $('body').append('<span class="test">test</span>');



the click event handler is not working.


Since you're element is dynamically appended you can use on() or chain the click() event.

//Using on()

$('body').on('click', '.test', function(){
    // Bla

//Chaining click()

$('<span class="test">test</span>').click(function(){
    // Bla

or you can do this,

$(function() {
    $('body').append('<span class="test">test</span>');
    $('.test').click(function() {

though live or on would be the better alternative if you don't know in advance when that element is going to get added to the DOM.

Change this -


to this -

$('.test').live('click', function()

live documentation.


As of jquery 1.7, live has been deprecated. Use on instead -

$('body').on('click', '.test', function()

on documentation.

jsFiddle demo.

Remember, if you want to bind event handlers to dynamically generated DOM elements then you need to use either live (deprecated) or on .

In your example code you are the closing the wrapper function after the span is added to the body, if you remove the }) line, your code should work just fine:

(function (){
  $('body').append('<span class="test">test</span>');
  // }) <- remove this line


As other people have already answered with, you can chain in jQuery so you would be able to do any of these to get the same result:

function someFunction() {

// work from the span and attach a direct handler
$('<span class="test">test</span>').on('click', someFunction).appendTo('body');

// work from the body attaching direct handlers
  .append('<span class="test">test</span>')
  .on('click', someFunction);

// work from the body attaching a delegate handler
  .append('<span class="test">test</span>')
  .on('click', '.test', someFunction);

You were closing the function just after the append part thats why click handler wasn't working

$(function() {
    $('body').append('<span class="test">test</span>');
    $('.test').click(function() {

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