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flatiron.js / union - where to put app.use() configuration?

Taking the simple example from Union, I am wondering where I can put configuration code that usually goes in app.configure, like passport.js :

app.configure(function() {
  // Initialize Passport!  Also use passport.session() middleware, to support
  // persistent login sessions (recommended).

Any ideas? server and router don't accept use().

Union supports connect middlewares via the before property, as previously mentioned by others. However, union does not handle application configuration; flatiron does. The api, however, is significantly different from express.

For example, configuring an application may look something like this:

var path = require('path'),
    flatiron = require('flatiron'),
    app = flatiron.app,
    plugins = flatiron.plugins,
    connect = require('connect'), // most connect middlewares work with flatiron ootb
    passport = require('passport');

// Use flatiron's http plugin (not the same as a middleware!)

// configuration consists of key/value pairs, not of function blocks associated with
// certain "environments".
// Here's *a* way you can handle environment-based configs; there are others!
  (process.env.NODE_ENV || 'config') + '.json'

// Use our config to set the secret
  secret: app.config.get('secret') || 'keyboard cat' //default

I haven't tried running this example (I'm sure there are more details here) but hopefully this gives you an idea.

I just built a wrapper to integrate Passport.js with Flatiron.js.



Please read the README.md on how to use it and apply it to your application.

I have tested it on LocalStrategy, but it should work for other strategies.

Please let me know otherwise.

Union appears to use the before collection for this:

var server = union.createServer({
  before: [
    connect.session({ secret: 'keyboard cat' }), // for `passport.session()`

    // etc.

From the "API" documentation :

@option before {Array} 
    The `before` value is an array of middlewares, which are used to route and serve incoming 
    requests. For instance, in the example, `favicon` is a middleware which handles requests 
    for `/favicon.ico`.

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