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Incorporating a workflow Initiation Infopath form in Visual Studio 2010 for Sharepoint 2010

I am having issues trying to implement a workflow that pops up a infopath form when the workflow is activated. I followed the code project tutorial which gives a great example on how to link forms to tasks, but I have not been able to find any examples that uses Infopath forms for initiation and associated forms.

My current workflow elements.xml file looks like this after running the tutorial:

<Elements xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/">
     Name="DocReview - DocReview"
     Description="My SharePoint Workflow"

I tried adding a the Instantiation_FormURN and Association_FormURN elements in the elements.xml file using the same form but still cannot pop up the form on workflow activation. What m I missing?

To achieve this, the workflow element requires the following attribute InstantiationURL="_layouts/IniWrkflIP.aspx". This works in conjunction with the Instantiation_FormURN element.

Checkout MSDN for more info.

Is complicated to make it work, but if you follow this article from start to finish you will. http://spblog.net/post/2012/03/07/Creating-InfoPath-association-%28or-instantiation%29-form-for-SharePoint-2010-Visual-Studio-workflow.aspx

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