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Send IP Address in email with node.js

So I'm trying to send myself my IP address through node.js and so far have come up empty handed. So far my code looks like this:

var exec = require("child_process").exec;
var ipAddress = exec("ifconfig | grep -m 1 inet", function (error, stdout, stderr) {
   ipAddress = stdout;
var email = require('nodemailer');

email.SMTP = {
   host: 'smtp.gmail.com',
   port: 465,
   ssl: true,
   user_authentication: true,
   user: 'sendingemail@gmail.com',
   pass: 'mypass'

   sender: 'sendingemail@gmail.com',
   to: 'receivingemail@gmail.com',
   subject: 'Testing!',
   body: 'IP Address of the machine is ' + ipAddress
   function(error, success) {
       console.log('Message ' + success ? 'sent' : 'failed');
               console.log('IP Address is ' + ipAddress);

So far it is sending the email but it never inserts the IP address. It puts the appropriate IP address in the console log that I can see, but cannot get it to send in an email. Can anyone help me see what I am doing wrong in my code?

That is because the send_mail function starts before the exec has returned the ip.

So just start sending the mail once exec has returned the ip.

This should work:

var exec = require("child_process").exec;
var ipAddress;
var child = exec("ifconfig | grep -m 1 inet", function (error, stdout, stderr) {
   ipAddress = stdout;
var email = require('nodemailer');

function start(){

    email.SMTP = {
       host: 'smtp.gmail.com',
       port: 465,
       ssl: true,
       user_authentication: true,
       user: 'sendingemail@gmail.com',
       pass: 'mypass'

       sender: 'sendingemail@gmail.com',
       to: 'receivingemail@gmail.com',
       subject: 'Testing!',
       body: 'IP Address of the machine is ' + ipAddress
       function(error, success) {
           console.log('Message ' + success ? 'sent' : 'failed');
                   console.log('IP Address is ' + ipAddress);

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