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How to change the color of a bootstrap (twitter) progress bar at runtime

I am using this progress bar :


And would like to give it a custom color, known only at runtime (so hardcoding it in the css or less file is not an option)

I have tried this :

<div class="progress">
  <div id='pb' class="bar" style="width: 80%"></div>

  $('#pb').css({'background-color': "red"})

without success.

Your code is actually working, just that the progress bar is actually using a gradient as a color instead of a solid background-color property. In order to change the background color, set the background-image to none and your color will be picked up:

    'background-image': 'none',
    'background-color': 'red'

There is now a bootstrap 3.2 progress bar designer tool.


You should change the container div class in order to change the color.

Example using .progress-danger for red color:

<div class="progress progress-danger">
  <div class="bar" style="width: 60%;"></div>

More colors (just substitute button for progress in the class name). http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/base-css.html#buttons

Update: In order to add the class name at runtime with javascript take a look at http://snipplr.com/view/2181/ or http://api.jquery.com/addClass/ if you are using jQuery.

Hope it helps.

Do you mean how to change the colours into one another at runtime?

I can only imagine you do as you have not marked anyone as being correct. In the case you do mean this, then have a look at this very minimal jsFiddle


<div class="progress">
    <div class="bar bar-success" style="width: 0%; opacity: 1;"></div>


jQuery(document).ready( function(){
    window.percent = 0;
    window.progressInterval = window.setInterval( function(){
        if(window.percent < 100) {
            jQuery('.progress .bar:first').removeClass().addClass('bar')
            .addClass ( (percent < 40) ? 'bar-danger' : ( (percent < 80) ? 'bar-warning' : 'bar-success' ) ) ;
            jQuery('.progress .bar:first').width(window.percent+'%');
            jQuery('.progress .bar:first').text(window.percent+'%');
        } else {
            jQuery('.progress .bar:first').text('Done!');
    }, 100 );


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