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rails, how to reference action mailer in jquery

i wanted to perform an action mailer method after an ajax method completes. im building a twitter app essentially, and wanted an email notification to be sent after someone clicks 'follow', which is done asynchronously.

i gave the follow button an id

<%= f.submit "Follow", :class => "btn btn-large btn-primary", 
        :id => "follow_button"%>

and then used jquery

$("#follow_button").bind('ajax:success', function() {


however, im really sure how i can reference my UserMailer in jquery. ultimately im trying to perform this line after my ajax is complete

UserMailer.is_now_following(@user, current_user).deliver


hmmm i tried adding that line of code in my create function (to create the relationship of the follow) but it lags my ajax quite a lot. the ajax is to render the 'unfollow' button after the 'follow' is clicked btw.

  def create
    @user = User.find(params[:relationship][:followed_id])
    respond_to do |format|
        format.html {redirect_to @user}

    #UserMailer.is_now_following(@user, current_user).deliver

i commented it out. is this what you meant for adding it after my ajax call is successful? also, how do you put a job on queue? thanks!

The better solution is doing that only in your server not in your client side.

If you do like you want you need doing 2 requests. 1 to follow people and 1 to launch mail. If you user stop this application between this 2 requests, no email is send.

The better solution is to launch your Mailer directly in your follow action. In your controller, you know if the request is a success or not. If the request is a success launch the email.

If you want more reactivity and avoid doing this job directly in your action, you can push the mailer action to a job queue.

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